About Us

In 1994, Triple 4 was originally formed to be a buying group to get better costs for our stores. We knew if we could "Buy it Right", we could sell it right and become more competitive in the marketplace. We started to see why we were not competitive in the market place; the wholesale was not passing all the deals onto the retailers. In many instances this is from 3 to 4 dollars a case. They also kept all the CMA dollars (Co-Operative Merchandising Allowance), which is anywhere from 0% to 2% on all items purchased. The only way you can collect CMA dollars is to run an advertising program. Pratts Wholesale did not want to run an ad program, so the next logical step was for Triple 4 Advertising to run the ad program, and that is what we are doing today and more.


In 1997 Macdonald's Consolidated decided to leave the Province of Saskatchewan. That is when we decided to find a Saskatchewan Wholesale that wanted to do business with the Independent Grocery Store Owners. That is when we formed an alliance with Pratts Wholesale. The two big things in our contract with Pratts, number one is that they can never ever own a grocery store and number 2 is that all of the stores in the group no matter how big or small all buy from Pratts at the same "True Cost". Pratts Wholesale is our wholesale in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and North West Ontario. Wallace and Carey is our wholesale in Alberta.

At the present time there are over 520 stores in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North West Ontario and Alberta that are following our program. These stores range in volume from $1/4 of a million to $14.5 million dollars in sales.

We have a very flexible Flyer Program that will allow you the choices necessary to be competitive in your area. The Flyer Program is coordinated from our Head Office located at 455-13th Ave N.E. in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

We have a very competitive Banner Advertising Program for your convenience Store. This will allow you to be competitive in your area. The Banner program is also coordinated from our Head Office in Moose Jaw, SK.

Triple 4 Advertising has always negotiated a terrific rebate program for all the stores that are in the group.

We now offer a full catalogue download along with all sales batches, which is a time saver to everyone. This catalogue download will offer prices for all preferred suppliers and direct store distributors products. We can offer a fully functional catalogue including DSD products because we all buy at the same cost. This catalogue will save you time from entering all information by hand as you can just dial in a get all the new information transferred directly to your system.

Along with joining the group you will receive a membership in CFIG (Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers). CFIG is a lobby group working on behalf of all independents to create a level playing field for all their members.

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